Upcoming Events

Adult Sunday School Classes ~ 9:00-9:55 AM

The Truth ProjectJohn Beck ~ Rm 17

1 Corinthians – Tim Carpenter ~ Room 23                                                                             

Men’s Bible Study – Thursday afternoon at 1:30pm. They are studying Ephesians 1. For information contact: Al Sharp aaasharp@hotmail.com; (715) 523-3988  

Ladies’ Bible Study – Tuesday Evenings. Please Contact Christine Storms for information: 816 304-0123 or christinestorms827@gmail.com 
Spice of Life – Saturday, April 5th, from 9:45-Noon. All ladies 15 yrs and up are invited to learn what Jesus meant when He said, “I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” Please join us and bring a friend for singing, prayer and fellowship. This month we are collecting baby supplies for Shiloh Center to put in their New Mom Baskets. Please see the bulletin insert for a list of needed items for our April meeting. There is a collection basket in the Welcome Center. We will also decorate a baby item to include with the other items. AWANA Missionary Fundraiser at Culver’s, Thursday, April 10th, from 5-8pm.
 Upcoming Events @ ODBC

March 28, Friday, Game Night, ~ 6-11pm

 April 5, Saturday, Spice of Life ~ 9:45-12

 April 6, Sunday, Sunday School Potluck Breakfast ~ 9am

 April 10, Thursday, AWANA Missionary Fundraiser ~ 5-8pm

 April 18, Friday, Good Friday Service ~ 7pm

 April 20, Sunday, Classical Piano Concert-Easter Sonata ~ 9am

 April 27, Sunday, Will Peycke ~ 10:15am

 May 4, Sunday, Will Peycke ~ 9am & 10:15am